The Ottoman Empire was defeated at the end of the First World War. After the war, he signed the Mondros Armistice. The armisticecontainedveryflexibleandabusabilityarticles. The seven tharticle, “The Entente States will have theright tooc cupyanystrategiclocationif a threateningsituationarises” had clearandambiguousexpressions. Especiallythisarticle has beenexploitedbytheEntenteStates. The British and French invadedthe Ottoman landsusingthisarticlemercilessly. Marash, Urfa, Antep and Adana wereoccupied on thebasis of thisarticle. These cities have reacted to theunfairoccupationtogether with thewhole Ottomancitizens. Especially the Turkish-Muslim people living in the secitiesrespondedwitharmedstruggle. After the Erzurum and Sivas conferences, theRepresentative Committee (Heyet-i Temsiliye) has taken a largemeasure of Representative control. After that, the people in theoccupiedterritorieswereguidedbyvariousmethodsandpreparedtofight.After these struggles, the men tioned cities were liberated from the French occupationand the massacre they had together withthe Armenians.