History of Ebu’l-Faraj is a significant source of Seljuk period written in the 13th century. Although this work was written during the Seljuk period, it also gives information about the previous centuries of history. The writer gives information from the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, from the Persian kings and the Roman emperors, by quoting from the works of the previous authors. Then he mentions of the migrantion of the Prophet Muhammad but he indicates that the date of migration is wrong as 624. He then summarizes the history of Islam from his four caliphate days to his own time. The writer of work is Maltese Gregorius Bar Hebraeus. He is also known as Bar Hebraeus or Abu’l-Faraj in short. He is a scholar connected with Jacobite sectarian of Christianity. According to the author’s statement, the aim of writing this work and his other works is to enlighten the faith of his sect, to increase their commitment to their sects. The history of Abu’l-Faraj was translated from Syriac to English by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge. Turkish translation was made by Omer Rıza Dogrul. Bar Hebraeus is an important witness to his period in his work. In this context, the author also gives valuable information about Malatya. These informations cover a long period begining from 10th century BC that also date of the birth of Islam and coming of Muslims to the Anatolian geography to 7th century BC. According to the information given by the author, there is an intensive migration of Turkmen in and around Malatya at the time of writing the work.
It was determined informations about Marash even if not as much as Malatya in the history of History of Abu’l-Faraj during the investigations. Therefore, in this paper will be analyzed informations about Malatya and Marash in the history of Abu’l-Faraj.