Teketek Haber


31 Ocak 2019 - 14:40

A few days after the signing of the Mondros Armistice on October 30, 1918, which concluded the First World War according to Sykes-Picot, one of the Secret Agreements signed between the Entente states during the war. Maras was first occupied by the English, then by the French.

The Allied States, Maras including the Turkish occupied territories in a period of two three months. The Turkish army confiscated weapons and ammunition in the hands of the military and have worked to make our notion vulnerable by distributing forces.

On September 19, 1919, signed between England and French with Syria Agreement, British retreated, as most of Armenians of Maras who occupied the Legion d’Orient they brought with (Eastern Legion) and the local volunteer Armenians dressed in French uniform, by arming against the Turks. Against the Turks and the repression, persecution, defamation, assoult and battery, murder, extortion and rape they turned a blind eye to. Picking up their guns the Turks, the Armenians armed.

Maras, the French dominiation in last day of Mustafa Kemal’s Çukurova and Southeastern Anatolia have less military power to pose a threat to find enough men and material who doesn’t think French has the French, after a short while, were recognized and his political and military power in panic.

Maras Kuva-yı Militia forces called the movement, Mustapha Kemal Pasha sent to the committee by the region commanders, protest against the occupation by the French of Marash, has organized rallies. From the first days of the French occupation the people of Maras, Uzunoluk bath (Sütçü İmam) as in case of Armenian attemps to rape she resisted, instead of immediately downloaded the Turkish flag from the fortress is exceeded. Later clashes of Armenians and French people who support them who couldn’t make it, 11-12 February1920, Maras, were  compelled to leave.