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The Maras Region, conguered by a Turkish commander Emir Bulday in 1085-86, in the perod of Süleyman Sah-Sultan of Anatolian Seljuks, became a settlement area for first Turkish tribes in the of 1. Kılıc Arslan (10092-1107) Maras end its neighborhood changed hands during the wars betweed Seljukians and crusadars time to time However it started to become Turkish homeland effer ist conguest by I. Mesut in 1149. After wards II. Kulıc Arslan his commander Hüsameddin Hasan frondtiersman of Maras and gave it to him as a igta. Hereby, Seljuk’s domination arose in Maras. A Türkmen Dervish Baba Ishak rebelled ogaints the state because of various reasons in 1240 and this rebellion affected many places in the state even Turkmens of this advantage Armenion occupied Maras with the help of Mongols in 1258, but in 1298, the Memluks take it back from Armenions And then, they gave it to the principality of Dulkadir, under Memluks control, in 1337.

As it is mentioned above, it is confirmed that there are lofs of boks, articles and declorations, thesis of masters and doctorates. But there are not any bibliographies of these Studies. İn this study statistic datas are shown by gathering scientific Studies about history of Maras

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