Maras Vilayet Newspaper is the only publication organ of Maras Province which was publishedregularly between 1934-1947 in Maras Province as it is understoodfromits name. Thenewspaper putmanyissues in the years it has beenintroduced, andgaveparticularattentiontoculturalissues. On March 12, 1920, when Maraş wascrownedvictoriousagainstthe French occupation on January 20, 1920, with 21 days of victory, and has beencelebratede very year. In this anniversarycelebration, variousspeechesandpoemsaboutthe Maraş Defense in the National Struggle were given.
Inthisdeclaration, therelatedcopies of the Vilayet Newspaperpublished in Maraş will be examinedandthefindings of the National Struggleandthe Maraş Defense in particular, will be presented.