France and the Great Britain having a great collaboration during WWI so as to collapse Otoman Empire, and regarding Mediterranean and the Middle East Area as their backyards have firstly established POW camps for Turkish POWs captured and taken from Gallipoli Front, and then French Armenian legion D’Orient Camp in Cyprus for the Armenian people collected in so many different ways all around the world and taken firstly to Post Said and to Cyprus so as to train them as the military personnel. Armenians having trained in these camps are firstly taken to Çukurova Area just after 30th October 1918, being out of military discipline, and turning the area just the bloody scene, ignoring their French officers as well. As soon as Ankara Treaty is signed between Ankara Government and France, France evacuates the area and British authorities in Cyprus close down French camps leaving the blood of thousands of innocent people behind. The presentation will be prepared and studied making mostly use of the domestic and foreign archives.