The concept of Nationalism, which emerged in parallel with the political, cultural and economic developments of the 19th century, has meaning on the basis of nationhood. The nation is identified as a dependence emotional conisted of common life awareness as well asm such as language, religion, race, and cultural unity factors. The notion of nationalism is the consciousness of belonging that is developed in the light of common values and experiences and fact of ownage consisted of as a result of this. Nationalism, which imperial developments have also affected as a trigger, has come to the forefront with the reactivity of nations entering into the struggle for existence and the manifestation of their ownership. The concept of nationalism, rejecting a foreign power and oppression in its essence, has been shaped by the operation of the collective memory.
With the emergence of Turkish nationalism as a constraint in the conditions of these imperial influences, the rescue Anatolian based Turkishness has gradually taken the anxiety of rescue of empire place. As a micro example of Turkish nationalism, the Marash National Struggle is a struggle against the invasion of a foreign power, in a way that the state and the government can not actively engage in by embracing the values of the people. Under various impulsive factors, Marash has constituted an example of a hard and total national uprising that contains many elements of religion and nationality.