Teketek Haber


19 Mart 2018 - 22:29


After the 13th century when Anatolia was regarded as a Turkish country the concept of Turkman expressed the name of nomadic population at the same time it also expressop positionto the Seljuk authority. Thehad of this opposition was the Karaman Turkmens. Uc Turkmens also participated in the Babai revolt against the Seljuk government. The Turkmen who came into the domain of the Safavid sect were under the influence of Shah propaganda for a long time, andafter the Babai esrevolt, they were also the subject of long-time revolts against the Ottomans. The first in this revolt, the Seljuks had important in fluence on the settlement politics which the Turkmen practiced by resolving the tribalstructures. With this policy, the Seljuk saimed to organize the Turkmens in the Marash regionan daimed to keep them under a rule. At thesame time, they wanted to create a bufferzoneagainstthecrusaderand Armenian threats in theregion. They thought to take precautionsagainst Eyyubıand Mamlukattacksfromsouth. Afterthe Kösedağ defeat, and the Turkmen tribes in Eastern Anatolia the Kızılırmak circledescendedtothesouthandthe Şam region, forming an intensiveTurkmenpopulation. Sultan Baybars relocatedthiscrowdedTurkmenpopulation on theborder of Southeast Anatolia. Baybars, withthesupport of Turkmens, won a greatvictoryagainsttheMongols in Elbistan. InthiswartheSeljukswereabstained. Abaka Khan has takentherevenge of thisdefeatbykillingtheTurkmen in theregion. Mamlukswassupervisedtheestablishment of theprincipalities. Later, theMamluks, whoruledtheintensiveTurkmenpopulation in theareaundervariousadministrativeorderssuch as Dulkadiroğlu in Marasand ElbistanandRamazanoğulları in Cukurova. AftertheSeljuks, theMamluksalsofollowedthesamepolicyandsettledTurkomanPrincipalities,at theborderwhichwerenamedagainsttheiropponents.